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Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Servers Added: Inoch (NA) and Aier (EU)

Founders, youve seen it for yourselves: the population on ArcheAges initial Head Start servers has been burgeoning! Were excited to announce that two new

servers are being added during Head Start due to overwhelming demand. Inoch is our new North American server and will be added to the Auction House 1

cluster. Aier is our new European server and will be added to the Auction House 3 cluster.

These new servers will be brought online and available to play today: Monday September 15 at 10:30 AM PDT (GMT-7). See you in ArcheAge, Founders!

ArcheAge Launch Update: Capacities, Communication, and Where to Find Info


Hi everyone, we'd like to thank you all for being a part of this absolutely massive launch of ArcheAge, Huge archeage gold sale at

We've heard from a lot of you that ArcheAge has stirred up excitement for an MMO in a way that many of you haven't felt in a long time. When people are in and playing, we hear a lot that the game's the great, exciting experience they were waiting for.

While it's been great for many, it's been uneven for others, most notably if you're stuck waiting. (We know, we wait in the same queues you do.)

Know that we haven't been, and won't be, resting until the experience is great for everyone. We've been talking to you a lot about "patience - which has been extreme in some cases for sure.

I'd like to talk about what we're doing to make sure that all of you can have that same kind of experience.


In an ideal world, we have all the hardware we need to host the ideal number of servers, in a way that works best for everyone. We'd strike the perfect balance between launch popularity, when everyone wants to be online 100% of the time, and the settled population of more normal play patterns that will naturally come over time.

In reality, we have to plan capacity months ahead of time, based on things like web site signups, numbers of people who play in alphas and betas, how long they play, and so on. There's a fair amount of science that goes into it, and in general it's pretty accurate. We then include extra for overflow, just in case we need more.

In this case, so many entirely new people showed up that we opened not just all of our launch hardware on the first day, but the overflow hardware soon after as well. Since Head Start, we've expanded both the number of servers and the capacity of all servers steadily. We try to let you know this both on the forums and on Twitter (@ArcheAge]) whenever this occurs.

Inside the business you'll hear people call this "problems of success," but make no mistake - since it negatively affects you, we remain obsessively focused on the "problem" part, not the "success" part. We treat these as high priority problems that we need to solve, as rapidly as possible.


Right. There are things going on both in and out of game to make things better:

1) Yes, more hardware is on its way to helping you! We're still aiming to strike the balance between short and long term and we know with certainty that more hardware is needed for both. We've heard both the "more servers" and "no more servers" crowds, and are certain we need to take steps toward more. I'm happy to share that the next round of hardware landed with our team in Texas this morning.

While I do wish that we could violate the laws of space and time to transport physical servers instantly, and help both NA and EU simultaneously, because of the way hardware is shipped out, and factors like "customs," there will be some delay between helping out the two regions. Do note that we're doing everything we can to make sure that delay is as minimal as possible. (We are aiming for days, not weeks, between.)

We'll be talking more about the details here over the coming days, in our Launch FAQ thread.

2) Note that we've been more aggressively sweeping AFKers, even manually when needed. For example, while we had said during beta that we were tentatively tolerant of AFK mount riding, we'd be keeping an eye out to see if it became a problem. Well, it's officially a problem when actual players who will be playing can't get in.

If you're not actively playing, please do be aware that you might not be there when you get back. Of course, while we do appreciate creative justifications such as "I am merely celebrating the excitement of launch by exercising my steed in a circular pattern for an extended period of time," those will still earn a quick trip to desktop.

We're also going to be setting up a more aggressive AFK timer as is suited to an over-popular launch, and ensuring that there are fewer ways to get around it. Again, this is all to create the greatest opportunity to get active human beings into the game.

3) As with any launch where you get massive numbers of new players, we need great people helping out with the typical things that happen as services scale up, which is why I wanted to talk Customer Service. You have wanted to talk with them. You've wanted to talk with them a lot. And they really do want to help.

Trion's CS team has already been expanded pretty massively, with scores of new people coming on board in the weeks leading up to ArcheAge's launch. There's a veritable dedicated army of people wanting to help. We're also happy to announce that we're ramping that up even more. As with all of our CS in the past, we're continuing down the path of natively fluent CS reps in each language we service.

4) Communication is critical during launches - We do get that. I've personally tweeted more during this launch than I think I have since Twitter existed. We're going to be redoubling our efforts, most notably on our forums, with even more people pitching in.

We had been trying to focus our updates into specific known locations, but that's not having the effect that we had hoped. We need to be in more places and threads that you're already discussing, so you can expect more of that beginning today, and in a more visibly 24/7 fashion than it might have appeared previously. We've been continuously working like crazy knocking down the types of launch issues one might expect, but if you don't see evidence of it, then it's not as helpful to you. We get that too.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

NBA LIVE 15 Gameplay Overview Blog

Today we’re excited to share some of our first gameplay details for NBA LIVE 15 and give you an idea of what you’ll be seeing when the game launches this October. Going into this year, we knew we had a lot of work to do in gameplay. We’ve been doing major upgrades across all systems, including the AI, to create a great flowing NBA simulation. We’ve been building a game from the ground up with a focus on a control scheme that is accessible but also has layers of depth for advanced players. At the same time, we’re ensuring that you feel in control at all times with extremely responsive movement and actions throughout every aspect of the game. That responsiveness that feels good needs to be supported and driven by amazing animation that looks good. One big change we made to animations this year is how players go up for layups and dunks. Last year the “gather” (where the player picks up the ball and begins his footwork into a shot or any type of jumping motion) and the shot itself were separate animations, which led to some strange looking and feeling situations due to some really awkward transitions. This year we’ve kept the gather and dunk/layup as one animation. The sheer volume of dunk and layup animations added this year will ensure a variety of different outcomes when attacking the rim. This does two things for us; it preserves the integrity of the motion capture to create a smoother-looking play, and it drastically reduces the chances of creating a strange hitch or transition in the animation. At the end of the day, this means you as the player will be able to pull off some cool looking dunks and layups that feel right and pay off as you’d expect. This video gives you a good look at our improved ball handling. Notice Harden’s signature move that has been added to the game, as well as how quickly he can attack the basket after creating an opening for himself. We want you to feel totally in control in NBA LIVE 15, never stuck in animations or unable to execute when an opportunity arises. We’ve simplified the dribble moves to be mapped to flicks and holds of the right thumbstick, and contextual animations make it easier to pull off those ‘wow moments’ off the bounce. The ultimate goal is to give you more creativity and freedom when the ball is in your hands using signature moves from your favorite NBA superstars. At the end of the clip, you’ll see our new rag-doll physics system in action, delivering physicality that looks and feels great at both ends of the court. When players go up for—or contest—a dunk and a layup, the physics system turns on, creating realistic contact and forcing both offensive and defensive players to make midair adjustments to establish position. We’ve added a ton of new of animations in this feature alone so you’ll see a wide variety of various degrees of collisions when players start crashing into each other. As if it wasn’t already fun enough to either posterize your buddy or stop him at the rim, now it feels even better. In this last clip, we want to highlight the improvements made to off-ball motion and contextual awareness. As you can see by Waiters’ movement, players are now able to find open space with the press of a button (LB/L1) thanks to the Quick Action playcall system. We’ve also improved the user’s ability when playing on-ball defense. Now, it is easier to cut off drives and stay in front of the basketball with bumps, jostles and contests – in this case – forcing Waiters to make a pass. So that’s a quick snapshot of a few things we’re working on, and there’s plenty more to come including improvements to shooting, shot blocking, rebounding, guarding the basketball and the AI. We’ll be providing a deeper look at all of these parts of the game, as well as more info on additional modes and features in the coming weeks. As you may have already heard, we’re taking three extra weeks to polish some last elements of gameplay, as well as fine-tune and balance the game. We’re looking forward to seeing everybody on the court on October 28 and as always, thank you for your support of NBA LIVE.