US wow gold

us wow gold

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Warrior Talents for Patch 5.4

The Patch 5.4 Warrior Changes extend to some of the talents. A tweak here, a tweak there, and a couple of them are a lot more interesting.

Your Bladestorm (level 60 talent) got some love, in addition to the “immunity to disarm while active” from 5.2 the cooldown has decreased to 60 seconds (down from 1.5 minutes). For Arms Bladestorm now deals 180% of weapon damage (up from 120%,) but for Protection your Bladestorm was nerfed and now deals 160% of weapon damage (down from 240%.)

Your Enraged Regeneration (level 30) talent now instantly heals the warrior for 10% of their total health (up from 5%), and an additional 10% over 5 seconds (up from 5%.) It’s still usable while stunned and the effects are still doubled if you’re enraged. This buff makes the talent a lot more interesting.

Also slightly buffed, your Impending Victory now heals the Warrior for 20% of their maximum health at all times (up from 15% on attack and 20% on kills that yield experience or honor.)

In something that will help with your survival, your Vigilance no longer transfers damage to the Warrior. The talent now reduces amount of damage the target takes by 30% for 12 seconds. In effect it’s a type of defensive bubble. This will be a big help when those crushing hits come in.

Some smaller changes:

Your level 15 talent Warbringer now roots the target for 4 seconds instead of stunning them for 3 seconds. The 50% reduction to movement speed snare effect for 8 seconds remains unchanged. Glyph of Blitz will now cause Warbringer to root an additional 2 nearby targets.

Bloodbath‘s snare and bleed effects are now two separate debuffs. Clearing one of the effects will no longer remove the other. This should be more interesting for PvP than anything else.

Your Storm Bolt now has a stun duration of 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds), and has an off-hand attack for Fury Warriors. It also does significantly more damage to targets immune to stuns (eg: Bosses, players with an “anti-stun” defense up.)

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