US wow gold

us wow gold

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

World of Warcraft: Legion Testing Will Return Soon with New Content

Late last year the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion alpha took place allowing people to get a taste of what is to come. Not fully representative of the full release, it was used to gain data on how the alpha version of the game will hold up.

While the alpha test is no longer running, fans are obviously excited to see when it will be re-opened for users, and maybe even opened up more for people who didn't get access in the last patch of testing.

While offering "No ETA" for when the next phase of testing will begin, what will interest fans is the fact that they will be getting a new build with new content. Stating that the previous build is now outdated is a nice way to tease that there will be many updates when testing is finally open.

What will be interesting to see is what testing the next phase will actually be. If this is stated to be another Alpha test, then when will the Beta test take place? As people will know, Alpha testing is used on early version of code that is generally more buggy. Beta testing comes at a later stage of development when things should be more stable and leading to the full release build. With the launch aimed at September 2016 there is plenty of time for testing to take place.